There are buttons/triggers that we all have inside. The emotion has manifested in some way in our bodies. Ideally in my world of service, I call this a “Felt Sense”, a sensation within.
We may have no idea what to do with our emotions – with our heart, yet if we knew what to do with our emotions and how to transform those, every day we grow to incredible heights – we attract things and people to us – our vibration rate increases – less doubt – less hurt – when heart is clear – just happy excited about life – generally feel love for ourself – deeper connection – state of peace – wellbeing – our natural state when our heart is not closed and not blocked – two levels – there is closing it and even if it is open there may still be blocks.
As is with Law of Attraction, we all have vibrations. Many clients suffer from anxious symptoms. Under these symptoms is guilt and shame – Fear of Judgement – being terribly scared of what others are going to find out about you. In many sessions, underneath anxiousness, there could be a whole layer of guilt and shame.
Hypnotherapy has the tools to clear conflict and allow all of us to live from a place of peace, worth and allowing us to love ourselves and love others more.
Call Soho-Wellness and Med Spa on 813 284 7045 to attend one or our Self-help Workshops or a private session with Debbie Dubickas, CHt