I would like to personally thank all my clients for giving me the pleasure of working with you during 2017.

With having facilitated over 11,000 client sessions to date, I feel personally blessed to have worked with so many amazing people who have had the courage to change. As the Serenity Prayers says: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference".
Some clients are not ready, some clients are scared of the unknown and there are some that have not suffered enough.
For those of you who are looking to live your life with Confidence and Worth in 2018 by being the version of yourself you were born to be, then maybe this is the time for you to come and visit Debbie Dubickas, CHt at Soho-Wellness and Med Spa.
Let go of the “ifs” and “why me” to “Good Morning” and “With appreciation and gratitude, Life is Good” living in the NOW “It’s my time to reach my goals”.